Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm alive, but just barely...

Yes, I'm alive. I've been traveling throughout the Caribbean side of Costa Rica and (crossed over to Panama as well) for the last 2 weeks. Tortuguero, Cahuita, Puerto Viejo and Bocas Del Toro Islands in Panama. I survived a bike wreck, vicious spider monkeys (For God's sake, don´t feed them. Take it from a guy who fed them!), buses breaking down, and no running water for 3 days (Can you say "stinky"?)

Details to follow, be patient.


colinsito said...

The Caribbean side is definitely not for everyone. That is what makes it interesting.

I always assure people that they will have an adventure.

Anonymous said...

Frank, we hope you're enjoying Costa Rica! We spent our honeymoon mostly in Tamarindo! If you're up for traveling, I'm going to be in El Salvador April 19-May 4 and would love to catch up with you. Ross sends an "hola amigo" and we hope you're having fun and enjoying the beauty of CR! - Kristen and Ross McAllister ( or

Anonymous said...

Hey frank- your adventures are one of a kind...we enjoy reading about safe, Rob, Kelly and Blake

Anonymous said...

explain what a spider monkey is?

Anonymous said...

If you're having trouble with the little spider monkeys then I'd advise not feeding the gorillas--just watched a wild kingdom type show about gorillas and those freakin' things are crazy! I enjoy the posts, keep them up!